4 Ways Dietitians Can Attract Clients On Social Media

As a Dietitian with a private practice, leveraging the internet to attract new clients is so important when it comes to your marketing. You may be wondering, how do you use social media to get clients for your nutrition practice with being too pushy or salesy? It can definitely feel overwhelming. Just know this - you don't need any more expertise, experience, education, or certifications to start attracting clients. In this article you’ll find 4 ways Dietitians can attract clients on social media.
Show Up Where Your Ideal Clients Can Find You
Make sure you are promoting your business where your idea clients are hanging out, not where you like to hang out online. Your ideal clients are not going to know about you or hire you if you don't show up online consistently. You can get more visibility by sharing photos and videos of yourself and you don’t need to look glamorous. Your audience wants to see the real you - a relatable person that they can connect with .
Talk frequently to your audience about how you can solve their health problems. This will build your "know, like, and trust" factor so that your audience begins to see you as the authority in your field. Allowing your audience opportunities to see you is so important especially in the very beginning of starting your private practice.
You can have the best website and best content there is, but it won’t matter how great your content is, because your ideal clients won’t be able to see it.
Clarify Your Message
This is marketing 101 - you need to deliver a really clear message to your audience. Messaging is how you communicate what you do in a way that makes the right people pay attention and compels them to take action. Your messaging is infused into everything that you do online. It’s part of your branding, your images, & your copywriting.
An important step in developing your messaging is creating your core mission statement - this states what you do, who it’s for and why your ideal client would want it. When you can articulate this to other people, you’re giving them the chance to realize that you are exactly what they need. Define the type of client you serve and the problem you solve. Everyone has problems and it's your job to figure out how to be a resource for people looking for a solution that you can offer.
Create Posts That Get Attention
Create social media posts with a strategy, rather than publishing random pieces of content. For example, start your post with an attention grabbing headline. This can be a thought provoking question, a story, a joke - you get the idea. Once you have your audience’s attention, you want to get right into the value of what you want to share in an easy to read and simple way. End your post with a call to action so the reader knows what to do next. You need to give your reader direction - whether it’s to contact you, answer a question, or leave a comment . This encourages engagement and helps you stand out on social media.
Be Generous With Your Knowledge
Let’s face it, every industry is saturated in the online world. So how do you stand out? Be generous with your knowledge and share! Sharing freely with your audience builds trust and relationships. Clients are not going to just come to you, you need to spend time educating them and sharing your knowledge instead of talking at them. This process gives you authority in their eyes. Remember you're not promoting your business for your competitors, you're promoting your business on social media for your ideal clients and that’s who you need to impress.
As a dietitian you are the expert. You are unique and have world experiences that no one else has that you can use to serve others. It's your responsibility to let others know about your services and nutrition programs. For help with branding your business and getting your message out, contact us today!
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